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Inherits CBaseEntity

Signature Description
Vector CBaseAnimating::GetAttachmentAngles(int) Get the attachement id’s angles as a p,y,r vector
Vector CBaseAnimating::GetAttachmentOrigin(int) Get the attachement id’s origin vector
int CBaseAnimating::GetObjectScaleLevel() The scale size of the entity
bool CBaseAnimating::IsSequenceFinished() Ask whether the main sequence is done playing
int CBaseAnimating::LookupAttachment(string) Get the named attachement id
void CBaseAnimating::SetBodygroup(int, int) Sets a bodygroup
int CBaseAnimating::GetBodygroup(int group) Gets a bodygroup
int CBaseAnimating::GetBodygroupCount(int group) Gets the number of bodygroups in a group
int CBaseAnimating::GetNumBodyGroups() Returns the number of bodygroup groups
string CBaseAnimating::GetBodygroupName(int group) Returns the name of the bodygroup
string CBaseAnimating::GetBodygroupPartName(int group, int part) Returns the bodygroup part name
int CBaseAnimating::GetBoneCount() Returns the number of bones
Vector CBaseAnimating::GetBonePosition(int bone) Returns the world origin of the bone
Vector CBaseAnimating::GetBoneRotation(int bone) Returns the rotation of the bone, in pitch, yaw, roll format
int CBaseAnimating::LookupPoseParameter(string name) Lookup a pose parameter based on its name. Returns -1 if not found
float CBaseAnimating::GetPoseParameter(int param) Returns pose parameter value based on index
float CBaseAnimating::SetPoseParameter(int param, float value) Set pose parameter value based on index
float CBaseAnimating::GetPoseParameterMax(int param) Returns the max value of the pose parameter
float CBaseAnimating::GetPoseParameterMin(int param) Returns the min value of the pose parameter
float CBaseAnimating::GetPlaybackRate() Returns the current playback rate
void CBaseAnimating::SetPlaybackRate(float rate) Sets the current playback rate
bool CBaseAnimating::IsValidSequence(int sequence) Checks if the specified sequence is valid
int CBaseAnimating::GetSequence() Returns the current sequence
void CBaseAnimating::SetSequence(int sequence) Sets the current sequence
int CBaseAnimating::GetSequenceCount() Returns the number of available sequences
string CBaseAnimating::GetSequenceName(int sequence) Returns the name of the sequence, if it’s valid
string CBaseAnimating::GetSequenceActivityName(int sequence) Returns the name of the sequence’s activity
int CBaseAnimating::LookupSequence(string name) Looks up a sequence based on name
bool CBaseAnimating::LookupActivity(string name) Looks up an activity based on name
bool CBaseAnimating::IsActivityFinished(int activity) Is the current activity finished?
bool CBaseAnimating::IsSequenceFinished(int sequence) Is the current sequence finished?
float CBaseAnimating::GetSequenceDuration(int sequence) Gets the sequence duration for the specified sequence
float CBaseAnimating::GetSequenceCycleRate(int sequence) Gets the sequence cycle rate for the specified sequence
bool CBaseAnimating::IsSequenceLooped(int sequence) Returns if the specified sequence is looped or not