Limited support
This feature is only present in Momentum Mod and Portal 2: Community Edition.

BaseLightFalloff is an internal entity and should not be used on its own.

BASE BaseLightFalloff


Constant <string> = 0

No description provided.

Linear <string> = 0

No description provided.

Quadratic <string> = 1

No description provided.

50 percent falloff distance <string> = 0

Distance at which brightness should fall off to 50%. If set, overrides linear constant and quadratic parameters.

0 percent falloff distance <string> = 0

Distance at which brightness should fall off to negligible (1/256)%. Must set _fifty_percent_distance to use.

Hard Falloff <integer> = 0

If set, causes lights to fall to exactly zero beyond the zero percent distance. May cause unrealistic lighting if not used carefully.

Maximum Distance <integer> = 0

The distance that light is allowed to cast.