POINT env_cubemap

An entity that creates a sample point for the Cubic Environment Map.


Cubemap Size <choices> = Default (0)

No description provided.

Possible Values:

Name Value
Default 0
1x1 1
2x2 2
4x4 3
8x8 4
16x16 5
32x32 6
64x64 7
128x128 8
256x256 9

Brush faces <sidelist>

(Optional) Brushes faces to directly attach to the env_cubemap. Press Pick then click on faces in the 3D View to select them. Use CTRL while clicking to add or remove from the selection.

Cubemap Bounds <target_destination>

Optionally assigns this cubemap a bounding box for parallax correction (brush entity tied to parallax_obb). This means the cubemap reflection will move as the camera moves, similar to func_reflective_glass.