is an internal entity and should not be used on its own.
Press Sound <choices> = None (Silent) (0)
Sound played when pressed. Choose from sounds in the Buttons.snd* category.
Possible Values:
Name | Value |
None (Silent) | 0 |
Light Switch | 100 |
Power Plug - Basic Electronics (soft) | 101 |
Buttons.snd1: Big zap & Warmup | 1 |
Buttons.snd2: Access Denied | 2 |
Buttons.snd3: Access Granted | 3 |
Buttons.snd4: Quick Combolock | 4 |
Buttons.snd5: Power Deadbolt 1 | 5 |
Buttons.snd6: Power Deadbolt 2 | 6 |
Buttons.snd7: Plunger | 7 |
Buttons.snd8: Small zap | 8 |
Buttons.snd9: Keycard Sound | 9 |
Buttons.snd10: Buzz | 10 |
Buttons.snd11: Buzz Off | 11 |
Buttons.snd12: Latch locked | 12 |
Buttons.snd13: Latch Unlocked | 13 |
Buttons.snd14: Lightswitch | 14 |
Buttons.snd15: Small bleek | 15 |
Buttons.snd16: Small deny | 16 |
Buttons.snd17: Small doop | 17 |
Buttons.snd18: Small tech deny | 18 |
Buttons.snd19: Click and combine screen fuzz | 19 |
Buttons.snd20: Roomy beep | 20 |
Buttons.snd21: Lever or Wheel: turn + move sqeek | 21 |
Buttons.snd22: Lever or Wheel: latch + release gas | 22 |
Buttons.snd23: Lever or Wheel: ratchet + sqeek | 23 |
Buttons.snd24: Lever or Wheel: large ratchet | 24 |
Buttons.snd25: Lever or Wheel: clanky + gas release | 25 |
Buttons.snd26: Lever or Wheel: latch + large metal thud | 26 |
Buttons.snd27: Lever or Wheel: smaller ratchet | 27 |
Buttons.snd28: Lever or Wheel: smaller lever move | 28 |
Buttons.snd31: Shock buzz (missing) | 31 |
Buttons.snd32: Clickbeep (missing) | 32 |
Buttons.snd33: Tech blip (missing) | 33 |
Buttons.snd34: Clickbeepbeep open | 34 |
Buttons.snd35: Small high blip | 35 |
Buttons.snd36: Small tech fuzz blip | 36 |
Buttons.snd37: Small click bleep (change to lightswitch) | 37 |
Buttons.snd40: Combine door lock - locked | 40 |
Buttons.snd41: Combine blip growl | 41 |
Buttons.snd42: Combine squick growl | 42 |
Buttons.snd43: Combine whine purr | 43 |
Buttons.snd44: Combine click talk | 44 |
Buttons.snd45: Combine click growl fizz | 45 |
Buttons.snd46: Combine click fizz (deny) | 46 |
Buttons.snd47: Combine click talker | 47 |
Locked Sound <choices> = None (Silent) (0)
Sound played when the player tries to use the button, and fails because it's locked. These are sounds in the Buttons.snd* category.
Possible Values:
Name | Value |
None (Silent) | 0 |
Light Switch | 100 |
Power Plug - Basic Electronics (soft) | 101 |
Buttons.snd1: Big zap & Warmup | 1 |
Buttons.snd2: Access Denied | 2 |
Buttons.snd3: Access Granted | 3 |
Buttons.snd4: Quick Combolock | 4 |
Buttons.snd5: Power Deadbolt 1 | 5 |
Buttons.snd6: Power Deadbolt 2 | 6 |
Buttons.snd7: Plunger | 7 |
Buttons.snd8: Small zap | 8 |
Buttons.snd9: Keycard Sound | 9 |
Buttons.snd10: Buzz | 10 |
Buttons.snd11: Buzz Off | 11 |
Buttons.snd12: Latch locked | 12 |
Buttons.snd13: Latch Unlocked | 13 |
Buttons.snd14: Lightswitch | 14 |
Buttons.snd15: Small bleek | 15 |
Buttons.snd16: Small deny | 16 |
Buttons.snd17: Small doop | 17 |
Buttons.snd18: Small tech deny | 18 |
Buttons.snd19: Click and combine screen fuzz | 19 |
Buttons.snd20: Roomy beep | 20 |
Buttons.snd21: Lever or Wheel: turn + move sqeek | 21 |
Buttons.snd22: Lever or Wheel: latch + release gas | 22 |
Buttons.snd23: Lever or Wheel: ratchet + sqeek | 23 |
Buttons.snd24: Lever or Wheel: large ratchet | 24 |
Buttons.snd25: Lever or Wheel: clanky + gas release | 25 |
Buttons.snd26: Lever or Wheel: latch + large metal thud | 26 |
Buttons.snd27: Lever or Wheel: smaller ratchet | 27 |
Buttons.snd28: Lever or Wheel: smaller lever move | 28 |
Buttons.snd31: Shock buzz (missing) | 31 |
Buttons.snd32: Clickbeep (missing) | 32 |
Buttons.snd33: Tech blip (missing) | 33 |
Buttons.snd34: Clickbeepbeep open | 34 |
Buttons.snd35: Small high blip | 35 |
Buttons.snd36: Small tech fuzz blip | 36 |
Buttons.snd37: Small click bleep (change to lightswitch) | 37 |
Buttons.snd40: Combine door lock - locked | 40 |
Buttons.snd41: Combine blip growl | 41 |
Buttons.snd42: Combine squick growl | 42 |
Buttons.snd43: Combine whine purr | 43 |
Buttons.snd44: Combine click talk | 44 |
Buttons.snd45: Combine click growl fizz | 45 |
Buttons.snd46: Combine click fizz (deny) | 46 |
Buttons.snd47: Combine click talker | 47 |
Unlocked Sound <choices> = None (Silent) (0)
Sound played when the button is unlocked. These are sounds in the Buttons.snd* category.
Possible Values:
Name | Value |
None (Silent) | 0 |
Light Switch | 100 |
Power Plug - Basic Electronics (soft) | 101 |
Buttons.snd1: Big zap & Warmup | 1 |
Buttons.snd2: Access Denied | 2 |
Buttons.snd3: Access Granted | 3 |
Buttons.snd4: Quick Combolock | 4 |
Buttons.snd5: Power Deadbolt 1 | 5 |
Buttons.snd6: Power Deadbolt 2 | 6 |
Buttons.snd7: Plunger | 7 |
Buttons.snd8: Small zap | 8 |
Buttons.snd9: Keycard Sound | 9 |
Buttons.snd10: Buzz | 10 |
Buttons.snd11: Buzz Off | 11 |
Buttons.snd12: Latch locked | 12 |
Buttons.snd13: Latch Unlocked | 13 |
Buttons.snd14: Lightswitch | 14 |
Buttons.snd15: Small bleek | 15 |
Buttons.snd16: Small deny | 16 |
Buttons.snd17: Small doop | 17 |
Buttons.snd18: Small tech deny | 18 |
Buttons.snd19: Click and combine screen fuzz | 19 |
Buttons.snd20: Roomy beep | 20 |
Buttons.snd21: Lever or Wheel: turn + move sqeek | 21 |
Buttons.snd22: Lever or Wheel: latch + release gas | 22 |
Buttons.snd23: Lever or Wheel: ratchet + sqeek | 23 |
Buttons.snd24: Lever or Wheel: large ratchet | 24 |
Buttons.snd25: Lever or Wheel: clanky + gas release | 25 |
Buttons.snd26: Lever or Wheel: latch + large metal thud | 26 |
Buttons.snd27: Lever or Wheel: smaller ratchet | 27 |
Buttons.snd28: Lever or Wheel: smaller lever move | 28 |
Buttons.snd31: Shock buzz (missing) | 31 |
Buttons.snd32: Clickbeep (missing) | 32 |
Buttons.snd33: Tech blip (missing) | 33 |
Buttons.snd34: Clickbeepbeep open | 34 |
Buttons.snd35: Small high blip | 35 |
Buttons.snd36: Small tech fuzz blip | 36 |
Buttons.snd37: Small click bleep (change to lightswitch) | 37 |
Buttons.snd40: Combine door lock - locked | 40 |
Buttons.snd41: Combine blip growl | 41 |
Buttons.snd42: Combine squick growl | 42 |
Buttons.snd43: Combine whine purr | 43 |
Buttons.snd44: Combine click talk | 44 |
Buttons.snd45: Combine click growl fizz | 45 |
Buttons.snd46: Combine click fizz (deny) | 46 |
Buttons.snd47: Combine click talker | 47 |
Locked Sentence <choices> = None (0)
A sentence played when the player tries to use the button, and fails because it's locked.
Possible Values:
Name | Value |
None | 0 |
[NA] Gen. Access Denied | 1 |
[ND] Security Lockout | 2 |
[NF] Blast Door | 3 |
[NFIRE] Fire Door | 4 |
[NCHEM] Chemical Door | 5 |
[NRAD] Radiation Door | 6 |
[NCON] Gen. Containment | 7 |
[NH] Maintenance Door | 8 |
[NG] Broken Shut Door | 9 |
Unlocked Sentence <choices> = None (0)
A sentence played when the button is unlocked.
Possible Values:
Name | Value |
None | 0 |
[EA] Gen. Access Granted | 1 |
[ED] Security Disengaged | 2 |
[EF] Blast Door | 3 |
[EFIRE] Fire Door | 4 |
[ECHEM] Chemical Door | 5 |
[ERAD] Radiation Door | 6 |
[ECON] gen. Containment | 7 |
[EH] Maintenance area | 8 |
Inherited from Angles
Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) <angle> = 0 0 0
This entity's orientation in the world. Pitch is rotation around the Y axis, yaw is the rotation around the Z axis, roll is the rotation around the X axis.
Lock <void>
Lock the button, preventing it from functioning.
Unlock <void>
Unlock the button, allowing it to function.
Press <void>
Activate the button as if it was pressed.
PressIn <void>
Activate the button as if it was pressed, sending it to the bottom position.
PressOut <void>
Unpress the button, sending it to the top position.
OnDamaged <void>
Fired when the button is damaged.
OnPressed <void>
Fired when the button is pressed.
OnUseLocked <void>
Fired when the button is used while locked.
OnIn <void>
Fired when the button reaches the in/pressed position.
OnOut <void>
Fired when the button reaches the out/released position.