
DamageType is an internal entity and should not be used on its own.

BASE DamageType


Damage Type <choices> = Generic (0)

Kind of damage to apply. These fields can be ORed together.

Possible Values:

Name Value
Generic 0
Crush 1
Bullet 2
Slash 4
Burn 8
Fall 32
Blast 64
Club 128
Shock 256
Sonic 512
Energy Beam 1024
No Physics Force 2048
Never Gib 4096
Always Gib 8192
Drown (blue faded) 16384
Paralyse 32768
Nerve Gas 65536
Poison 131072
Radiation 262144
Drowning recovery 524288
Acid 1048576
Slow Burn 2097152
Slowfreeze 4194304
Gravity Gun 8388608
Plasma 16777216
Airboat 33554432
Dissolve 67108864
Blast Surface 134217728
Direct 268435456
Buckshot 536870912