is an internal entity and should not be used on its own.
Damage Type <choices> = Generic (0)
Kind of damage to apply. These fields can be ORed together.
Possible Values:
Name | Value |
Generic | 0 |
Crush | 1 |
Bullet | 2 |
Slash | 4 |
Burn | 8 |
Fall | 32 |
Blast | 64 |
Club | 128 |
Shock | 256 |
Sonic | 512 |
Energy Beam | 1024 |
No Physics Force | 2048 |
Never Gib | 4096 |
Always Gib | 8192 |
Drown (blue faded) | 16384 |
Paralyse | 32768 |
Nerve Gas | 65536 |
Poison | 131072 |
Radiation | 262144 |
Drowning recovery | 524288 |
Acid | 1048576 |
Slow Burn | 2097152 |
Slowfreeze | 4194304 |
Gravity Gun | 8388608 |
Plasma | 16777216 |
Airboat | 33554432 |
Dissolve | 67108864 |
Blast Surface | 134217728 |
Direct | 268435456 |
Buckshot | 536870912 |