BRUSH func_dustmotes

A brush entity that spawns sparkling dust motes within its volume.


Minimum Particle Size <string> = 10

This value determines the minimum size the particles can be.

Maximum Particle Size <string> = 20

This value determines the maximum size the particles can be.

Particle Translucency (0 - 255) <integer> = 255

Translucency of the particles.

Start Disabled <boolean> = No

No description provided.

Particle Color (R G B) <color255> = 255 255 255

No description provided.

Particle Per Second <integer> = 40

Number of particles to spawn, per second.

Maximum Particle Speed <integer> = 13

Maximum speed that the particles can move after spawning.

Particle Fall Speed <integer> = 0

How fast the particles fall to the ground. This value is subtracted from the particle speed in the Z-axis only.

Minimum Particle Lifetime <integer> = 3

Minimum number of seconds until each particle dies. Particles live for a random duration between this and 'Maximum Particle Lifetime'.

Maximum Particle Lifetime <integer> = 5

Maximum number of seconds until each particle dies. Particles live for a random duration between 'Minimum Particle Lifetime' and this. Will be clamped to a max of 15.

Maximum Visible Distance <integer> = 1024

Maximum distance at which particles are visible. They fade to translucent at this distance.

Frozen <boolean> = No

When set, this entity spawns the number of particles in SpawnRate immediately, and then goes inactive.

Affected by Wind <boolean> = No

When set, the dust will be affected by any env_wind entity settings in the map.

Inherited from BaseEffectBrush

Name <target_source>

The name that other entities refer to this entity by.

Global Entity Name <string>

Name by which this entity is linked to another entity in a different map. When the player transitions to a new map, entities in the new map with globalnames matching entities in the previous map will have the previous map's state copied over their state.

Parent <target_destination>

The name of this entity's parent in the movement hierarchy. Entities with parents move with their parent. Set an attachment point via 'parentname,attachment'.


TurnOn <void>

Turn on.

TurnOff <void>

Turn off.