A brush entity that spawns smoke particles within its volume.
spawnflags <flags>
No description provided.
Possible Flags:
Name | Value | Default |
Emissive | 1 | ❌ |
Particle Color1 (R G B) <color255> = 255 255 255
No description provided.
Particle Color2 (R G B) <color255> = 255 255 255
No description provided.
Material <material> = particle/particle_smokegrenade
The material to use for the particles
Particle Draw Width (units) <float> = 120
The size of the particles, in units.
Particle Spacing Distance (units) <float> = 80
The distance between the particles inside the volume. The lower the number, the denser the particles, and the more overdraw there will be. It is best to keep it as high as you can without it looking bad.
Density Ramp Speed (seconds) <float> = 1
Time to go from density 0 to density 1, in seconds.
Rotation Speed (degrees/sec) <float> = 10
The speed that the particles should rotate, in degrees per second.
Movement Speed (units/sec) <float> = 10
The speed that the particles should move around, in units per second.
Density [0..1] <float> = 1
No description provided.
Max Draw Distance (0 is unlimited) <float> = 0
No description provided.
Inherited from BaseEffectBrush
Name <target_source>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by.
Global Entity Name <string>
Name by which this entity is linked to another entity in a different map. When the player transitions to a new map, entities in the new map with globalnames matching entities in the previous map will have the previous map's state copied over their state.
Parent <target_destination>
The name of this entity's parent in the movement hierarchy. Entities with parents move with their parent. Set an attachment point via 'parentname,attachment'.
SetRotationSpeed <float>
Set the particle rotation speed (in degrees per second).
SetMovementSpeed <float>
Set the particle movement speed (in units per second).
SetDensity <float>
Set the particle density. It should be a range from 0 to 1.