POINT point_viewcontrol

A camera entity that controls the player's view. While it's active, the player will see out of the camera.


Entity to Look At <target_destination>

Name of the entity that the camera should point at and track while active.

Target Attachment Name <string>

If set, the camera will focus on the specified attachment on the 'Entity to Look At'.

Hold Time <integer> = 10

The amount of time the camera should control the player's view for, after which it deactivates itself. If the camera should stay active until told to deactive, set the 'Infinite Hold Time' spawnflag.

Path Corner <target_destination>

The first path corner in a track that the camera should move along once it's activated. If not specified, the camera won't move.

Interpolate Position To Player <boolean> = No

Gradually interpolate player's position to here on start. (Episodic only)

spawnflags <flags>

No description provided.

Possible Flags:

Name Value Default
Start At Player 1
Follow Player 2
Freeze Player 4
Infinite Hold Time 8
Snap to goal angles 16
Make Player non-solid 32
Interruptable by Player 64
Set Fov 128

Initial Speed <float> = 0

The starting speed that the camera moves at, if it's on a path track.

Acceleration units/sec^2 <float> = 500

The speed at which the camera accelerates to path corner's desired speeds.

Stop Deceleration units/sec^2 <float> = 500

The speed at which the camera decelerates to path corner's desired speeds.

Tracking Speed of the camera <float> = 40

The speed that the camera tries to follow it's look target.

Field of view <float> = 90

Player FOV (if Set FOV spawnflag is set)

Seconds to reach FOV target <float> = 1.0

Amount of time it should take to reach the specified FOV

Don't set player view <boolean> = No

Prevents this point_viewcontrol from actually controlling the player's view. FOV, player-affecting spawnflags, etc. may still happen.

<Far Plane> <integer> = 1024

Ignore, needed to display the view frustum preview.

Inherited from BaseEntityPoint

Name <target_source>

The name that other entities refer to this entity by.

Global Entity Name <string>

Name by which this entity is linked to another entity in a different map. When the player transitions to a new map, entities in the new map with globalnames matching entities in the previous map will have the previous map's state copied over their state.

Pitch Yaw Roll (X Y Z) <angle> = 0 0 0

This entity's orientation in the world. Roll is the rotation around the X axis, pitch is rotation around the Y axis and yaw is the rotation around the Z axis.

Parent <target_destination>

The name of this entity's parent in the movement hierarchy. Entities with parents move with their parent. Set an attachment point via 'parentname,attachment'.


Enable <void>

Enable the point_viewcontrol, and start controlling the player's view.

Disable <void>

Disable the point_viewcontrol, and stop controlling the player's view.

SetTarget <target_destination>

Set a new target for the camera to point at.

SetTargetAttachment <string>

Set a new attachment on the target for the camera to point at.

ReturnToEyes <void>

Return the camera view to the player's eyes.

TeleportToView <void>

Teleport the player to the current position of the camera.

SetTrackSpeed <float>

Set the speed that the camera will try to track it's target.

SetPath <string>

Have the camera start following a new path.

Inherited from BaseEntityPoint

Kill <void>

Removes this entity from the world.

KillHierarchy <void>

Removes this entity and all its children from the world.

SetParent <target_destination>

Changes the entity's parent in the movement hierarchy.

SetParentAttachment <string>

Change this entity to attach to a specific attachment point on its parent. Entities must be parented before being sent this input. The parameter passed in should be the name of the attachment.

SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset <string>

Change this entity to attach to a specific attachment point on it's parent. Entities must be parented before being sent this input. The parameter passed in should be the name of the attachment. The entity will maintain it's position relative to the parent at the time it is attached.

ClearParent <void>

Removes this entity from the the movement hierarchy, leaving it free to move independently.

SetLocalAngles <vector>

Sets the rotation of the entity relative to the parent's rotation.

SetLocalOrigin <vector>

Sets the position of the entity relative to its parent if one exists. Otherwise relative to the world.

SetAbsAngles <vector>

Set this entity's angles, always relative to the world origin.

AddOutput <string>

Adds an entity I/O connection to this entity or changes keyvalues dynamically. Format: '<output name> <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire (-1 == infinite, 1 = only once)>' or 'keyvalue newval'. Very dangerous, use with care.

FireUser1 <void>

Causes this entity's OnUser1 output to be fired.

FireUser2 <void>

Causes this entity's OnUser2 output to be fired.

FireUser3 <void>

Causes this entity's OnUser3 output to be fired.

FireUser4 <void>

Causes this entity's OnUser4 output to be fired.

Use <void>

More or less replicates the player interacting with an entity. (+USE)

PassUser1 <string>

Causes this entity's OutUser1 output to be fired, passing along the parameter unchanged.

PassUser2 <string>

Causes this entity's OutUser2 output to be fired, passing along the parameter unchanged.

PassUser3 <string>

Causes this entity's OutUser3 output to be fired, passing along the parameter unchanged.

PassUser4 <string>

Causes this entity's OutUser4 output to be fired, passing along the parameter unchanged.

FireRandomUser <void>

Fires OnUser1, OnUser2, OnUser3, or OnUser4 with a 25% chance of each.

PassRandomUser <string>

Fires OutUser1, OutUser2, OutUser3, or OutUser4 with a 25% chance of each. The parameter is passed along unchanged.

KillIfNotVisible <void>

Removes this entity if it is not in a player's viewcone.

KillWhenNotVisible <void>

Removes this entity when it is not in a player's viewcone. You can pass a time for when this should start.

FireOutput <string>

Fires the named output on this entity. Format: '<output name>:<activator>:<caller>:<parameter>:<delay>' (OnDeath:hl3cardgame:gaben). Everything beyond the output name is optional.

RemoveOutput <string>

Removes all instances of the named output on this entity. Wildcards are supported, meaning you could just pass '*' to wipe all outputs from this entity.

AcceptInput <string>

Fires the named input on this entity. Format: '<input name>:<parameter>:<activator>:<caller>:<output ID>' (SetTarget:cheese). Everything beyond the input name is optional. Mind the fact this is arranged differently from FireOutput, having the parameter right after the input name.

CancelPending <void>

Cancels any events fired by this entity that are currently pending in the I/O event queue.

FreeChildren <void>

Unparents all direct children of this entity.

SetLocalVelocity <vector>

Sets this entity's current velocity.

SetLocalAngularVelocity <vector>

Sets this entity's current angular velocity.

AddSpawnFlags <integer>

Adds spawnflag(s) to this entity. Many spawnflags have their respective numbers suffixed in this FGD.

RemoveSpawnFlags <integer>

Removes spawnflag(s) to this entity. Many spawnflags have their respective numbers suffixed in this FGD.

AddSolidFlags <integer>

Adds solid flags to this entity.

RemoveSolidFlags <integer>

Removes solid flags from this entity.

ChangeVariable <string>

Similar to AddOutput, except it changes an internal variable similar to logic_datadesc_accessor instead. Very dangerous, use with care.

SetHealth <integer>

Sets this entity's health.

AddHealth <integer>

Adds to this entity's health.

RemoveHealth <integer>

Removes from this entity's health.

SetMaxHealth <integer>

Sets this entity's max health.

SetEntityName <target_destination>

Sets this entity's name that other entities should refer to it by.

SetOwnerEntity <target_destination>

Sets this entity's owner entity. This has nothing to do with parenting and has more to do with collision and kill credits.

SetThinkNull <void>

Sets this entity's general think function to null. Behavior varies from entity to entity..

Touch <target_destination>

Simulates this entity touching the specified entity.


OnEndFollow <void>

Fired when the point_viewcontrol deactivates, due to the Disable input being received, the Entity to Look At being destroyed, or the Hold Time expiring.

Inherited from BaseEntityPoint

OnUser1 <void>

Fired in response to FireUser1 input.

OnUser2 <void>

Fired in response to FireUser2 input.

OnUser3 <void>

Fired in response to FireUser3 input.

OnUser4 <void>

Fired in response to FireUser4 input.

OutUser1 <string>

Fires in response to PassUser1 input, with the parameter passed through unchanged.

OutUser2 <string>

Fires in response to PassUser2 input, with the parameter passed through unchanged.

OutUser3 <string>

Fires in response to PassUser3 input, with the parameter passed through unchanged.

OutUser4 <string>

Fires in response to PassUser4 input, with the parameter passed through unchanged.