BRUSH worldspawn

This is the world entity. Each map can only contain one, and it's automatically created for you.


Map Description / Title <string>

No description provided.

SkyBox Texture Name <string>

Texture used for the 2D skybox.

Chapter Title <string>

Chapter Title that appears onscreen when this level starts.

Level Fade In <boolean> = No

No description provided.

Time of day <choices> = Midnight (0)

No description provided.

Possible Values:

Name Value
Midnight 0
Dawn 1
Morning 2
Afternoon 3
Dusk 4
Evening 5

Max occludee area <float> = 0

[Used on PC] Prevents occlusion testing for entities that take up more than X% of the screen.

Min occluder area <float> = 0

[Used on PC] Prevents occluders from being used if they take up less than X% of the screen.

Start Fade Pixels <float> = -1

Number of pixels wide at which all props in the level start to fade (<0 = use fademaxdist). This number is ignored if the prop has a specific fade distance specified.

End Fade Pixels <float> = 0

Minimum number of pixels wide at which the prop is visible (0 = don't fade out). This number is ignored if the prop has a specific fade distance specified.

Detail.vbsp file <string> = detail.vbsp

Detail .vbsp file to use for emitting detail props (found in directory <root>/modname)

Detail material file <material> = detail/detailsprites

Material for detail sprites to use for drawing detail props

World is cold <boolean> = No

Emit steam from NPC's mouths and similar effects.

Maximum Projected Textures <integer> = 8

Maximum number of env_projectedtexture entities that can be enabled at once. Maximum is 8.

Inherited from BaseEntity

Name <target_source>

The name that other entities refer to this entity by.

Global Entity Name <string>

Name by which this entity is linked to another entity in a different map. When the player transitions to a new map, entities in the new map with globalnames matching entities in the previous map will have the previous map's state copied over their state.

Inherited from ResponseContext

Response Contexts <string>

Response system context(s) for this entity. Format should be: 'key:value,key2:value2,etc'. When this entity speaks, the list of keys & values will be passed to the response rules system.


Inherited from BaseEntity

Kill <void>

Removes this entity from the world.

KillHierarchy <void>

Removes this entity and all its children from the world.

AddOutput <string>

Adds an entity I/O connection to this entity or changes keyvalues dynamically. Format: '<output name> <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire (-1 == infinite, 1 = only once)>' or 'keyvalue newval'. Very dangerous, use with care.

FireUser1 <void>

Causes this entity's OnUser1 output to be fired.

FireUser2 <void>

Causes this entity's OnUser2 output to be fired.

FireUser3 <void>

Causes this entity's OnUser3 output to be fired.

FireUser4 <void>

Causes this entity's OnUser4 output to be fired.

Use <void>

More or less replicates the player interacting with an entity. (+USE)

CancelPending <void>

Cancels any events fired by this entity that are currently pending in the I/O event queue.

PassUser1 <string>

Causes this entity's OutUser1 output to be fired, passing along the parameter unchanged.

PassUser2 <string>

Causes this entity's OutUser2 output to be fired, passing along the parameter unchanged.

PassUser3 <string>

Causes this entity's OutUser3 output to be fired, passing along the parameter unchanged.

PassUser4 <string>

Causes this entity's OutUser4 output to be fired, passing along the parameter unchanged.

FireRandomUser <void>

Fires OnUser1, OnUser2, OnUser3, or OnUser4 with a 25% chance of each.

PassRandomUser <string>

Fires OutUser1, OutUser2, OutUser3, or OutUser4 with a 25% chance of each. The parameter is passed along unchanged.

KillIfNotVisible <void>

Removes this entity if it is not in the player's viewcone.

KillWhenNotVisible <void>

Removes this entity when it is not in the player's viewcone.

FireOutput <string>

Fires the named output on this entity. Format: '<output name>:<activator>:<caller>:<parameter>:<delay>' (OnDeath:hl3cardgame:gaben). Everything beyond the output name is optional.

RemoveOutput <string>

Removes all instances of the named output on this entity. Wildcards are supported, meaning you could just pass '*' to wipe all outputs from this entity.

AcceptInput <string>

Fires the named input on this entity. Format: '<input name>:<parameter>:<activator>:<caller>:<output ID>' (SetTarget:cheese). Everything beyond the input name is optional. Mind the fact this is arranged differently from FireOutput, having the parameter right after the input name.

AddSpawnFlags <integer>

Adds spawnflag(s) to this entity. Many spawnflags have their respective numbers suffixed in this FGD.

RemoveSpawnFlags <integer>

Removes spawnflag(s) to this entity. Many spawnflags have their respective numbers suffixed in this FGD.

AddSolidFlags <integer>

Adds solid flags to this entity.

RemoveSolidFlags <integer>

Removes solid flags from this entity.

ChangeVariable <string>

Similar to AddOutput, except it changes an internal variable similar to logic_datadesc_accessor instead. Very dangerous, use with care.

SetEntityName <target_destination>

Sets this entity's name that other entities should refer to it by.

SetTarget <target_destination>

Sets this entity's target. This is specific to certain entities, particularly logic entities that involve a target.

SetOwnerEntity <target_destination>

Sets this entity's owner entity. This has nothing to do with parenting and has more to do with collision and kill credits.

SetThinkNull <void>

Sets this entity's general think function to null. Behavior varies from entity to entity..

Inherited from ResponseContext

AddContext <string>

Adds a context to this entity's list of response contexts. The format should be 'key:value'.

RemoveContext <string>

Remove a context from this entity's list of response contexts. The name should match the 'key' of a previously added context.

ClearContext <void>

Removes all contexts in this entity's list of response contexts.


Inherited from BaseEntity

OnUser1 <void>

Fired in response to FireUser1 input.

OnUser2 <void>

Fired in response to FireUser2 input.

OnUser3 <void>

Fired in response to FireUser3 input.

OnUser4 <void>

Fired in response to FireUser4 input.

OutUser1 <string>

Fires in response to PassUser1 input, with the parameter passed through unchanged.

OutUser2 <string>

Fires in response to PassUser2 input, with the parameter passed through unchanged.

OutUser3 <string>

Fires in response to PassUser3 input, with the parameter passed through unchanged.

OutUser4 <string>

Fires in response to PassUser4 input, with the parameter passed through unchanged.