
dmxconvert is a command line utility that converts between different datamodel types and encodings. It is available for Windows and Linux.

Help Text

Usage: dmxconvert -i <in file> [-ie <in encoding hint>] [-o <out file>] [-oe <out encoding>] [-of <out format>] -i, --input - Input file name -o, --output - Output filename -ie, --input-encoding - Input encoding hint -of, --output-format - Output format -oe, --output-encoding - Output encoding If no output file is specified, dmx to dmx conversion will overwrite the input Supported DMX file encodings: keyvalues keyvalues2 keyvalues2_flat binary actbusy commentary vmt vmf mks tex_source1 Supported DMX file formats: dmx movieobjects sfm sfm_settings sfm_session sfm_trackgroup pcf gui schema preset facial_animation model ved mks mp_preprocess mp_root mp_model mp_anim mp_physics mp_hitbox mp_materialgroup mp_keyvalues mp_eyes mp_bonemask tex world worldnode

Usage Examples

Example 1: Converting a DMX encoded file to keyvalues2.

./bin/linux64/dmxconvert -i medic_lod_03_high.dmx -o medic_lod_03_high.kv2 -oe keyvalues2