
Aliases: EyeRefract_DX9


$flags <int> = 0


$flags_defined <int> = 0


$flags2 <int> = 0


$flags_defined2 <int> = 0


$color <color> = [1 1 1]


$alpha <float> = 1.0


$basetexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

Base Texture with lighting built in

$frame <int> = 0

Animation Frame

$basetexturetransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

Base Texture Texcoord Transform

$color2 <color> = [1 1 1]


$srgbtint <color> = [1 1 1]

tint value to be applied when running on new-style srgb parts

$iris <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

iris texture

$irisframe <int> = 0

frame for the iris texture

$corneatexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

cornea texture

$ambientoccltexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

reflection texture

$envmap <texture> = "shadertest/shadertest_env"


$eyeorigin <vec3> = [0 0 0]

origin for the eyes

$irisu <vec4> = [0 1 0 0 ]

U projection vector for the iris

$irisv <vec4> = [0 0 1 0]

V projection vector for the iris

$dilation <float> = 0

Pupil dilation (0 is none, 1 is maximal)

$glossiness <float> = 1

Glossiness of eye (1 is default, 0 is not glossy at all)

$spheretexkillcombo <bool> = 1

texkill pixels not on sphere

$raytracesphere <bool> = 1

Raytrace sphere

$parallaxstrength <float> = 1

Parallax strength

$corneabumpstrength <float> = 1

Cornea strength

$ambientocclcolor <vec3> = [1 1 1]

Ambient occlusion color

$ambientocclusion <float> = 1.0

Dynamic ambient occlusion strength

$eyeballradius <float> = 0

Eyeball radius for ray casting

$entityorigin <vec3> = 0.0

center if the model in world space

$warpparam <float> = 0.0

animation param between 0 and 1

$lightwarptexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

1D ramp texture for tinting scalar diffuse term

$cloakpassenabled <bool> = 0

Enables cloak render in a second pass

$cloakfactor <float> = 0.0
$cloakcolortint <color> = [1 1 1]

Cloak color tint

$refractamount <float> = 2
$emissiveblendenabled <bool> = 0

Enable emissive blend pass

$emissiveblendscrollvector <vec2> = [0.11 0.124]

Emissive scroll vec

$emissiveblendstrength <float> = 1.0

Emissive blend strength

$emissiveblendtexture <texture>

self-illumination map

$emissiveblendtint <color> = [1 1 1]

Self-illumination tint

$emissiveblendflowtexture <texture>

flow map