

$flags <int> = 0


$flags_defined <int> = 0


$flags2 <int> = 0


$flags_defined2 <int> = 0


$color <color> = [1 1 1]


$alpha <float> = 1.0


$basetexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

Base Texture with lighting built in

$frame <int> = 0

Animation Frame

$basetexturetransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

Base Texture Texcoord Transform

$color2 <color> = [1 1 1]


$srgbtint <color> = [1 1 1]

tint value to be applied when running on new-style srgb parts

$selfillumtint <color> = [1 1 1]

Self-illumination tint

$detail <texture> = "shadertest/detail"

detail texture

$detailframe <int> = 0

frame number for $detail

$detailscale <float> = 4

scale of the detail texture

$detailblendmode <int> = 0

mode for combining detail texture with base. 0=normal, 1= additive, 2=alpha blend detail over base, 3=crossfade

$detailblendfactor <float> = 1

blend amount for detail texture.

$detailblendfactor2 <float> = 1

blend amount for detail texture on texture 2.

$detailblendfactor3 <float> = 1

blend amount for detail texture on texture 3.

$detailblendfactor4 <float> = 1

blend amount for detail texture on texture 4.

$detailtint <color> = [1 1 1]

detail texture tint

$envmap <texture> = "shadertest/shadertest_env"


$envmapframe <int>
$envmapmask <texture> = "shadertest/shadertest_envmask"

envmap mask

$envmapmaskframe <int>
$envmapmasktransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

$envmapmask texcoord transform

$envmaptint <color> = [1 1 1]

envmap tint

$bumpmap <texture> = "models/shadertest/shader1_normal"

bump map

$bumpframe <int> = 0

frame number for $bumpmap

$bumptransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

$bumpmap texcoord transform

$envmapcontrast <float> = 0.0

contrast 0 == normal 1 == color*color

$envmapsaturation <float> = 1.0

saturation 0 == greyscale 1 == normal

$fresnelreflection <float> = 1.0

1.0 == mirror, 0.0 == water

$nodiffusebumplighting <int> = 0

0 == Use diffuse bump lighting, 1 = No diffuse bump lighting

$texture1_lumstart <float> = 0.0

texture 1 start component for lum smoothstep

$texture1_lumend <float> = 1.0

texture 1 end component for lum smoothstep

$bumpmap2 <texture> = "models/shadertest/shader3_normal"

bump map

$bumpframe2 <int> = 0

frame number for $bumpmap

$bumptransform2 <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

$bumpmap texcoord transform

$basetexture2 <texture> = "shadertest/lightmappedtexture"

Blended texture

$frame2 <int> = 0

frame number for $basetexture2

$texture2_uvscale <float> = 1.0

uniform scale texture 2 uv coords

$texture2_blendstart <float> = 0.0

texture 2 start component for blend smoothstep

$texture2_blendend <float> = 1.0

texture 2 end component for blend smoothstep

$texture2_lumstart <float> = 0.0

texture 2 start component for lum smoothstep

$texture2_lumend <float> = 1.0

texture 2 end component for lum smoothstep

$texture2_bumpblendfactor <float> = 1.0

texture 2 how much the bump blends in (ignored if bumpmap2 exists)

$basetexture3 <texture> = "shadertest/lightmappedtexture"

Blended texture 3

$texture3_blendmode <int> = 0

blendmode for texture 3. 0 = blend, 1 = multiply 2x

$frame3 <int> = 0

frame number for $basetexture3

$texture3_uvscale <float> = 1.0

uniform scale texture 3 uv coords

$texture3_blendstart <float> = 0.0

texture 3 start component for blend smoothstep

$texture3_blendend <float> = 1.0

texture 3 end component for blend smoothstep

$texture3_lumstart <float> = 0.0

texture 3 start component for lum smoothstep

$texture3_lumend <float> = 1.0

texture 3 end component for lum smoothstep

$texture3_bumpblendfactor <float> = 1.0

texture 3 how much the bump blends in

$basetexture4 <texture> = "shadertest/lightmappedtexture"

Blended texture 4

$texture4_blendmode <int> = 0

blendmode for texture 4. 0 = blend, 1 = multiply 2x

$frame4 <int> = 0

frame number for $basetexture4

$texture4_uvscale <float> = 1.0

uniform scale texture 4 uv coords

$texture4_blendstart <float> = 0.0

texture 4 start component for blend smoothstep

$texture4_blendend <float> = 1.0

texture 4 end component for blend smoothstep

$texture4_lumstart <float> = 0.0

texture 4 start component for lum smoothstep

$texture4_lumend <float> = 1.0

texture 4 end component for lum smoothstep

$texture4_bumpblendfactor <float> = 1.0

texture 4 how much the bump blends in

$ssbump <int> = 0

whether or not to use alternate bumpmap format with height

$bump_force_on <bool> = 0

force bump-mapping on, even for low-end machines

$seamless_scale <float> = 0

Scale factor for 'seamless' texture mapping. 0 means to use ordinary mapping

$alphatestreference <float> = 0.0
$lumblendfactor2 <float> = 1.0

blend factor between the luminance of layer 2 and layer one

$lumblendfactor3 <float> = 1.0

blend factor between the luminance of layer 3 and layers below it

$lumblendfactor4 <float> = 1.0

blend factor between the luminance of layer 4 and layers below it

$envmapanisotropy <bool> = 0

Enable anisotropic cubemap lookups for macroscopically rough/microscopically smooth surfaces, like wet asphalt

$envmapanisotropyscale <float> = 1.0

Scale anisotropy amount for cubemap lookups

$envmaplightscale <float> = 0.0

How much the lightmap effects environment map reflection, 0.0 is off, 1.0 will allow complete blackness of the environment map if the lightmap is black

$envmaplightscaleminmax <vec2> = [0.0 1.0]

Thresholds for the lightmap envmap effect. Setting the min higher increases the minimum light amount at which the envmap gets nerfed to nothing.