Aliases: SolidEnergy_DX9
Base Texture with lighting built in
Animation Frame
Base Texture Texcoord Transform
tint value to be applied when running on new-style srgb parts
detail map 1
scale detail1 as multiplier of base UVs
frame number for detail1
detail 1 blend mode: 0=add, 1=mod2x, 2=mul, 3=alphamul (mul masked by base alpha)
detail 1 blend factor
detail1 texcoord transform
detail map 2
scale detail1 as multiplier of base UVs
frame number for detail1
detail 1 blend mode: 0=add, 1=mod2x, 2=mul, 3=detailmul (mul with detail1)
detail 1 blend factor
detail1 texcoord transform
enables view-based opacity falloff based on tangent t direction, great for cylinders, includes last term for scaling backface opacity
enables view-based opacity falloff based on tangent s direction, great for cylinders, includes last term for scaling backface opacity
enables fresnel-based opacity falloff, includes last term for scaling backface opacity
don't need to set this explicitly, it gets set when tangenttopacityranges is defined
don't need to set this explicitly, it gets set when tangentSopacityranges is defined
don't need to set this explicitly, it gets set when fresnelopacityranges is defined
enables depth-feathering
Amplify or reduce DEPTHBLEND fading. Lower values make harder edges.
frame number for $flowmap
2D rate to scroll $flowmap
flow noise texture
Enable refraction when flowmap is specified
Scale for the refraction effects
Apply this boost to the rgb channel of the fizzler effects when refract is enabled