
Aliases: SolidEnergy_DX9


$flags <int> = 0


$flags_defined <int> = 0


$flags2 <int> = 0


$flags_defined2 <int> = 0


$color <color> = [1 1 1]


$alpha <float> = 1.0


$basetexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

Base Texture with lighting built in

$frame <int> = 0

Animation Frame

$basetexturetransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

Base Texture Texcoord Transform

$color2 <color> = [1 1 1]


$srgbtint <color> = [1 1 1]

tint value to be applied when running on new-style srgb parts

$detail1 <texture> = "shader/BaseTexture"

detail map 1

$detail1scale <float> = 1.0

scale detail1 as multiplier of base UVs

$detail1frame <int> = 0

frame number for detail1

$detail1blendmode <int> = 0

detail 1 blend mode: 0=add, 1=mod2x, 2=mul, 3=alphamul (mul masked by base alpha)

$detail1blendfactor <float> = 1.0

detail 1 blend factor

$detail1texturetransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

detail1 texcoord transform

$detail2 <texture> = "shader/BaseTexture"

detail map 2

$detail2scale <float> = 1.0

scale detail1 as multiplier of base UVs

$detail2frame <int> = 0

frame number for detail1

$detail2blendmode <int> = 0

detail 1 blend mode: 0=add, 1=mod2x, 2=mul, 3=detailmul (mul with detail1)

$detail2blendfactor <float> = 1.0

detail 1 blend factor

$detail2texturetransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

detail1 texcoord transform

$tangenttopacityranges <vec4> = [1 0.9 0 0.6]

enables view-based opacity falloff based on tangent t direction, great for cylinders, includes last term for scaling backface opacity

$tangentsopacityranges <vec4> = [1 0.9 0 0.6]

enables view-based opacity falloff based on tangent s direction, great for cylinders, includes last term for scaling backface opacity

$fresnelopacityranges <vec4> = [1 0.9 0 0.6]

enables fresnel-based opacity falloff, includes last term for scaling backface opacity

$needstangentt <bool> = 0

don't need to set this explicitly, it gets set when tangenttopacityranges is defined

$needstangents <bool> = 0

don't need to set this explicitly, it gets set when tangentSopacityranges is defined

$needsnormals <bool> = 0

don't need to set this explicitly, it gets set when fresnelopacityranges is defined

$depthblend <bool> = 0

enables depth-feathering

$depthblendscale <float> = 50.0

Amplify or reduce DEPTHBLEND fading. Lower values make harder edges.

$flowmap <texture>


$flowmapframe <int> = 0

frame number for $flowmap

$flowmapscrollrate <vec2> = [0 0]

2D rate to scroll $flowmap

$flow_noise_texture <texture>

flow noise texture

$time <float>
$flow_worlduvscale <float>
$flow_normaluvscale <float>
$flow_timeintervalinseconds <float>
$flow_uvscrolldistance <float>
$flow_noise_scale <float>
$flow_lerpexp <float>
$flowbounds <texture>
$powerup <float>
$flow_color_intensity <float>
$flow_color <vec3>
$flow_vortex_color <vec3>
$flow_vortex_size <float>
$flow_vortex1 <bool>
$flow_vortex_pos1 <vec3>
$flow_vortex2 <bool>
$flow_vortex_pos2 <vec3>
$flow_cheap <bool>
$modelformat <bool>
$outputintensity <float> = 1.0
$refract <bool> = 0

Enable refraction when flowmap is specified

$refractscale <float> = 1.0

Scale for the refraction effects

$refracteffectscale <float> = 2.2

Apply this boost to the rgb channel of the fizzler effects when refract is enabled