
Aliases: Refract_DX90


$flags <int> = 0


$flags_defined <int> = 0


$flags2 <int> = 0


$flags_defined2 <int> = 0


$color <color> = {255 255 255}


$alpha <float> = 1.0


$basetexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

Base Texture with lighting built in

$frame <int> = 0

Animation Frame

$basetexturetransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

Base Texture Texcoord Transform

$color2 <color> = [1 1 1]


$srgbtint <color> = [1 1 1]

tint value to be applied when running on new-style srgb parts

$refractamount <float> = 2
$refracttint <color> = [1 1 1]

refraction tint

$normalmap <texture> = "models/shadertest/shader1_normal"

normal map

$normalmap2 <texture> = "models/shadertest/shader1_normal"

normal map

$bumpframe <int> = 0

frame number for $normalmap

$bumpframe2 <int> = 0

frame number for $normalmap

$bumptransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

$normalmap texcoord transform

$bumptransform2 <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

$normalmap texcoord transform

$time <float> = 0.0f
$bluramount <int> = 1

0, 1, or 2 for how much blur you want

$fadeoutonsilhouette <bool> = 1

0 for no fade out on silhouette, 1 for fade out on sillhouette

$envmap <texture> = "shadertest/shadertest_env"


$envmapframe <int> = 0

envmap frame number

$envmaptint <color> = [1 1 1]

envmap tint

$envmapcontrast <float> = 0.0

contrast 0 == normal 1 == color*color

$envmapsaturation <float> = 1.0

saturation 0 == greyscale 1 == normal

$refracttinttexture <texture> = "models/shadertest/shield"
$refracttinttextureframe <int> = 0
$fresnelreflection <float> = 1.0

1.0 == mirror, 0.0 == water

$nowritez <int> = 0

0 == write z, 1 = no write z

$masked <bool> = 0

mask using dest alpha

$vertexcolormodulate <bool> = 0

Use the vertex color to effect refract color. alpha will adjust refract amount

$noviewportfixup <int> = 0

Don't adjust uv's for current viewport

$mirroraboutviewportedges <int> = 0

don't sample outside of the viewport

$magnifyenable <bool> = 0

Enable magnification of refracted image around the $magnifyCenter screen position by $magnifyScale

$magnifycenter <vec2> = [0 0]

Magnify refracted image around this screen position

$magnifyscale <float> = 0

Magnify refracted image by this factor

$localrefract <bool> = 0
$localrefractdepth <float> = 0