

$flags <int> = 0


$flags_defined <int> = 0


$flags2 <int> = 0


$flags_defined2 <int> = 0


$color <color> = [1 1 1]


$alpha <float> = 1.0


$basetexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

Base Texture with lighting built in

$frame <int> = 0

Animation Frame

$basetexturetransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

Base Texture Texcoord Transform

$color2 <color> = [1 1 1]


$srgbtint <color> = [1 1 1]

tint value to be applied when running on new-style srgb parts

$depthblend <int> = 0

fade at intersection boundaries

$scenedepth <texture>
$depthblendscale <float> = 5.0

Amplify or reduce DEPTHBLEND fading. Lower values make harder edges.

$inversedepthblend <bool> = 0

calculate 1-depthblendalpha so that sprites appear when they are near geometry

$orientation <int> = 0

0 = always face camera, 1 = rotate around z, 2= parallel to ground 3=use normal 4=face camera POS

$aimatcamera <bool> = 0

Aim at camera using orientation type 1

$addbasetexture2 <float> = 0.0

amount to blend second texture into frame by

$overbrightfactor <float> = 1.0

overbright factor for texture. For HDR effects.

$dualsequence <int> = 0

blend two separate animated sequences.

$sequence_blend_mode <int> = 0

defines the blend mode between the images un dual sequence particles. 0 = avg, 1=alpha from first, rgb from 2nd, 2= first over second

$maxlumframeblend1 <int> = 0

instead of blending between animation frames for the first sequence, select pixels based upon max luminance

$maxlumframeblend2 <int> = 0

instead of blending between animation frames for the 2nd sequence, select pixels based upon max luminance

$ramptexture <texture>

if specified, then the red value of the image is used to index this ramp to produce the output color

$zoomanimateseq2 <float> = 1.0

amount to gradually zoom between frames on the second sequence. 2.0 will double the size of a frame over its lifetime.

$extractgreenalpha <int> = 0

grayscale data sitting in green/alpha channels

$addoverblend <int> = 0

use ONE:INVSRCALPHA blending

$addself <float> = 0.0

amount of base texture to additively blend in

$blendframes <bool> = 1

whether or not to smoothly blend between animated frames

$minsize <float> = 0.0

minimum screen fractional size of particle

$startfadesize <float> = 10.0

screen fractional size to start fading particle out

$endfadesize <float> = 20.0

screen fractional size to finish fading particle out

$maxsize <float> = 20.0

maximum screen fractional size of particle

$useinstancing <bool> = 1

whether to use GPU vertex instancing (submit 1 vert per particle quad)

$splinetype <int> = 0

spline type 0 = none, 1=ctamull rom

$maxdistance <float> = 100000.0

maximum distance to draw particles at

$farfadeinterval <float> = 400.0

interval over which to fade out far away particles

$shadersrgbread360 <bool> = 0

Simulate srgb read in shader code

$orientationmatrix <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

Matrix used to orient in orientation mode #2

$mod2x <bool> = 0

whether or not to multiply the result of the pixel shader * 2 against the framebuffer

$alphatrailfade <float> = 1

Amount to scale alpha by between start and end of trail/rope

$radiustrailfade <float> = 1

Amount to scale radis by between start and end of trail/rope

$shadowdepth <int> = 0

writing to a shadow depth buffer

$opaque <bool> = 0

Are we opaque? (defaults to 0)

$cropfactor <vec2> = [1 1]

writing to a shadow depth buffer

$vertexcolorlerp <bool> = 0

Enable computing vertex color by interpolating two color based on vertex r color channel

$lerpcolor1 <vec3> = [1 0 0]

Lerp color 1

$lerpcolor2 <vec3> = [0 1 0]

Lerp color 2

$vertexfogamount <float> = 1

Amount of vertex fog to apply

$distancealpha <bool> = 0

Use distance-coded alpha generated from hi-res texture by vtex.

$softedges <bool> = 0

Enable soft edges to distance coded textures.

$edgesoftnessstart <float> = 0.6

Start value for soft edges for distancealpha.

$edgesoftnessend <float> = 0.5

End value for soft edges for distancealpha.

$outline <bool> = 0

Enable outline for distance coded textures.

$outlinecolor <color> = [1 1 1]

color of outline for distance coded images.

$outlinealpha <float> = 0.0

alpha value for outline

$outlinestart0 <float> = 0.0

outer start value for outline

$outlinestart1 <float> = 0.0

inner start value for outline

$outlineend0 <float> = 0.0

inner end value for outline

$outlineend1 <float> = 0.0

outer end value for outline

$perparticleoutline <bool> = 0

Allow per particle outline control

$muloutputbyalpha <bool> = 0

Multiply output RGB by output alpha to avoid precision problems

$intensity <float> = 1.0

Multiply output RGB by intensity factor