Base Texture with lighting built in
Animation Frame
Base Texture Texcoord Transform
tint value to be applied when running on new-style srgb parts
albedo (Base texture with no baked lighting)
compression wrinklemap
expansion wrinklemap
Self-illumination tint
detail texture
frame number for $detail
scale of the detail texture
envmap frame number
envmap mask
$envmapmask texcoord transform
envmap tint
bump map
compression bump map
expansion bump map
frame number for $bumpmap
$bumpmap texcoord transform
contrast 0 == normal 1 == color*color
saturation 0 == greyscale 1 == normal
defines that self illum value comes from env map mask alpha
Self illum fresnel
Self illum fresnel min, max, exp
Scale self illum effect strength
Self illum fresnel
Flashlight pass sets N.L=1.0
Force low quality flashlight shadows (faster)
Force no CSM lookup/filter (faster)
Control drawing of non-ambient light ()
Phong exponent for local specular lights
Phong tint for local specular lights
Apply tint by albedo (controlled by spec exponent texture
1D ramp texture for tinting scalar diffuse term
warp the specular term
Parameters for remapping fresnel output
Phong overbrightening factor (specular mask channel should be authored to account for this)
Phong albedo overbrightening factor (specular mask channel should be authored to account for this)
Phong Exponent map
enables phong lighting
forces Phong lighting, even at low GPU levels (Phong must already be enabled)
indicates that there is no normal map and that the phong mask is in base alpha
invert the phong mask (0=full phong, 1=no phong)
Degree to which Fresnel should be applied to env map
If we bind a texture here, it overrides base alpha (if any) for self illum
indicates that the base luminance should be used to mask phong
mode for combining detail texture with base. 0=normal, 1= additive, 2=alpha blend detail over base, 3=crossfade
blend amount for detail texture.
detail texture tint
$detail texcoord transform
enables rim lighting
Exponent for rim lights
Boost for rim lights
Indicates whether or not to use alpha channel of exponent texture to mask the rim term
whether to apply seamless mapping to the base texture. requires a smooth model.
where to apply seamless mapping to the detail texture.
the scale for the seamless mapping. # of repetions of texture per inch.
Enable emissive blend pass
self-illumination map
Emissive scroll vec
Emissive blend strength
self-illumination map
Self-illumination tint
flow map
Needs CurrentTime Proxy
Enables cloak render in a second pass
Cloak color tint
Enable Flesh interior blend pass
Flesh color texture
Flesh noise texture
Flesh border 1D texture
Flesh normal texture
Flesh subsurface texture
Flesh cubemap texture
Flesh Noise UV scalar for border
Flesh Debug full flesh
Flesh effect center and radius
Flesh effect center and radius
Flesh effect center and radius
Flesh effect center and radius
Subsurface Color
Flesh border
Flesh border softness (> 0.0 && <= 0.5)
Flesh border Color
Flesh global opacity
Flesh gloss brightness
Flesh scroll speed
Use texcoord1 for detail texture
Disables SRGB conversion of shader results.
Simulate srgb read in shader code
Amount of screen space ambient occlusion to use (0..1 range)
Displacement map
Displacement map contains wrinkle displacements
Use the base alpha to blend in the $color modulation
Disable tinting
Use the base alpha to desaturate the base texture. Set to non-zero to enable, value gets multiplied into the alpha channel before desaturating.
Allow per-instance color modulation
Min/max fresnel range and exponent for vertexlitgeneric
Disable half lambert for phong
Decal texture
mode for combining decal texture with base. 0=normal(decalsrca + base(1-srca), 1= mod, 2=mod2x, 3=additive
How much the lightmap effects environment map reflection, 0.0 is off, 1.0 will allow complete blackness of the environment map if the lightmap is black
Thresholds for the lightmap envmap effect. Setting the min higher increases the minimum light amount at which the envmap gets nerfed to nothing.
Separate tint mask texture (as opposed to using basetexture alpha)
Envmap mask is stored in ting mask texture (instead of normal map alpha)
Turn on gradient color modulation
First gradient stop and position
Second gradient stop and position
Third gradient stop and position
When enabled, blend mode 4 turns into a special blend mode for layering damage, with the detail texture being the lower strata with no spec or env, and the base texture being the upper strata which casts a drop shadow. The blend is a thresholded value based on the detail alpha, allowing for what looks like chipped off paint or cracks.