

$flags <int> = 0


$flags_defined <int> = 0


$flags2 <int> = 0


$flags_defined2 <int> = 0


$color <color> = [1 1 1]


$alpha <float> = 1.0


$basetexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

Base Texture with lighting built in

$frame <int> = 0

Animation Frame

$basetexturetransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

Base Texture Texcoord Transform

$color2 <color> = [1 1 1]


$srgbtint <color> = [1 1 1]

tint value to be applied when running on new-style srgb parts

$albedo <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

albedo (Base texture with no baked lighting)

$compress <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

compression wrinklemap

$stretch <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

expansion wrinklemap

$selfillumtint <color> = [1 1 1]

Self-illumination tint

$detail <texture> = "shadertest/detail"

detail texture

$detailframe <int> = 0

frame number for $detail

$detailscale <float> = 4

scale of the detail texture

$envmap <texture> = "shadertest/shadertest_env"


$envmapframe <int> = 0

envmap frame number

$envmapmask <texture> = "shadertest/shadertest_envmask"

envmap mask

$envmapmaskframe <int> = 0
$envmapmasktransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

$envmapmask texcoord transform

$envmaptint <color> = [1 1 1]

envmap tint

$bumpmap <texture> = "models/shadertest/shader1_normal"

bump map

$bumpcompress <texture> = "models/shadertest/shader3_normal"

compression bump map

$bumpstretch <texture> = "models/shadertest/shader1_normal"

expansion bump map

$bumpframe <int> = 0

frame number for $bumpmap

$bumptransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

$bumpmap texcoord transform

$envmapcontrast <float> = 0.0

contrast 0 == normal 1 == color*color

$envmapsaturation <float> = 1.0

saturation 0 == greyscale 1 == normal

$selfillum_envmapmask_alpha <float> = 0.0

defines that self illum value comes from env map mask alpha

$selfillumfresnel <bool> = 0

Self illum fresnel

$selfillumfresnelminmaxexp <vec4> = 0

Self illum fresnel min, max, exp

$selfillummaskscale <float> = 0

Scale self illum effect strength

$selfillumfresnelenabledthisframe <bool> = 0

Self illum fresnel

$alphatestreference <float> = 0.0
$allowfencerenderstatehack <bool> = 0
$flashlightnolambert <bool> = 0

Flashlight pass sets N.L=1.0

$lowqualityflashlightshadows <bool> = 0

Force low quality flashlight shadows (faster)

$disablecsmlookup <bool> = 0

Force no CSM lookup/filter (faster)

$ambientonly <int> = 0

Control drawing of non-ambient light ()

$phongexponent <float> = 5.0

Phong exponent for local specular lights

$phongtint <vec3> = 5.0

Phong tint for local specular lights

$phongalbedotint <bool> = 1.0

Apply tint by albedo (controlled by spec exponent texture

$lightwarptexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

1D ramp texture for tinting scalar diffuse term

$phongwarptexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

warp the specular term

$phongfresnelranges <vec3> = [0 0.5 1]

Parameters for remapping fresnel output

$phongboost <float> = 1.0

Phong overbrightening factor (specular mask channel should be authored to account for this)

$phongalbedoboost <float> = 1.0

Phong albedo overbrightening factor (specular mask channel should be authored to account for this)

$phongexponenttexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

Phong Exponent map

$phong <bool> = 0

enables phong lighting

$forcephong <bool> = 0

forces Phong lighting, even at low GPU levels (Phong must already be enabled)

$basemapalphaphongmask <int> = 0

indicates that there is no normal map and that the phong mask is in base alpha

$invertphongmask <int> = 0

invert the phong mask (0=full phong, 1=no phong)

$envmapfresnel <float> = 0

Degree to which Fresnel should be applied to env map

$selfillummask <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

If we bind a texture here, it overrides base alpha (if any) for self illum

$basemapluminancephongmask <int> = 0

indicates that the base luminance should be used to mask phong

$detailblendmode <int> = 0

mode for combining detail texture with base. 0=normal, 1= additive, 2=alpha blend detail over base, 3=crossfade

$detailblendfactor <float> = 1

blend amount for detail texture.

$detailtint <color> = [1 1 1]

detail texture tint

$detailtexturetransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

$detail texcoord transform

$rimlight <bool> = 0

enables rim lighting

$rimlightexponent <float> = 4.0

Exponent for rim lights

$rimlightboost <float> = 1.0

Boost for rim lights

$rimmask <bool> = 0

Indicates whether or not to use alpha channel of exponent texture to mask the rim term

$seamless_base <bool> = 0

whether to apply seamless mapping to the base texture. requires a smooth model.

$seamless_detail <bool> = 0

where to apply seamless mapping to the detail texture.

$seamless_scale <float> = 1.0

the scale for the seamless mapping. # of repetions of texture per inch.

$emissiveblendenabled <bool> = 0

Enable emissive blend pass

$emissiveblendbasetexture <texture>

self-illumination map

$emissiveblendscrollvector <vec2> = [0.11 0.124]

Emissive scroll vec

$emissiveblendstrength <float> = 1.0

Emissive blend strength

$emissiveblendtexture <texture>

self-illumination map

$emissiveblendtint <color> = [1 1 1]

Self-illumination tint

$emissiveblendflowtexture <texture>

flow map

$time <float> = 0.0

Needs CurrentTime Proxy

$cloakpassenabled <bool> = 0

Enables cloak render in a second pass

$cloakfactor <float> = 0.0
$cloakcolortint <color> = [1 1 1]

Cloak color tint

$refractamount <float> = 2
$fleshinteriorenabled <bool> = 0

Enable Flesh interior blend pass

$fleshinteriortexture <texture>

Flesh color texture

$fleshinteriornoisetexture <texture>

Flesh noise texture

$fleshbordertexture1d <texture>

Flesh border 1D texture

$fleshnormaltexture <texture>

Flesh normal texture

$fleshsubsurfacetexture <texture>

Flesh subsurface texture

$fleshcubetexture <texture>

Flesh cubemap texture

$fleshbordernoisescale <float> = 1.5

Flesh Noise UV scalar for border

$fleshdebugforcefleshon <bool> = 0

Flesh Debug full flesh

$flesheffectcenterradius1 <vec4> = [0 0 0 0.001]

Flesh effect center and radius

$flesheffectcenterradius2 <vec4> = [0 0 0 0.001]

Flesh effect center and radius

$flesheffectcenterradius3 <vec4> = [0 0 0 0.001]

Flesh effect center and radius

$flesheffectcenterradius4 <vec4> = [0 0 0 0.001]

Flesh effect center and radius

$fleshsubsurfacetint <color> = [1 1 1]

Subsurface Color

$fleshborderwidth <float> = 0.3

Flesh border

$fleshbordersoftness <float> = 0.42

Flesh border softness (> 0.0 && <= 0.5)

$fleshbordertint <color> = [1 1 1]

Flesh border Color

$fleshglobalopacity <float> = 1.0

Flesh global opacity

$fleshglossbrightness <float> = 0.66

Flesh gloss brightness

$fleshscrollspeed <float> = 1.0

Flesh scroll speed

$separatedetailuvs <bool> = 0

Use texcoord1 for detail texture

$linearwrite <int> = 0

Disables SRGB conversion of shader results.

$shadersrgbread360 <bool> = 0

Simulate srgb read in shader code

$ambientocclusion <float> = 0.0

Amount of screen space ambient occlusion to use (0..1 range)

$displacementmap <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

Displacement map

$displacementwrinkle <bool> = 0

Displacement map contains wrinkle displacements

$blendtintbybasealpha <bool> = 0

Use the base alpha to blend in the $color modulation

$notint <bool> = 0

Disable tinting

$desaturatewithbasealpha <float> = 0.0

Use the base alpha to desaturate the base texture. Set to non-zero to enable, value gets multiplied into the alpha channel before desaturating.

$allowdiffusemodulation <bool> = 1

Allow per-instance color modulation

$envmapfresnelminmaxexp <vec3> = [0.0 1.0 2.0]

Min/max fresnel range and exponent for vertexlitgeneric

$basealphaenvmapmaskminmaxexp <vec3> = [1.0 0.0 1.0]
$phongdisablehalflambert <bool> = 0

Disable half lambert for phong

$treesway <int> = 0
$treeswayheight <float> = 1000
$treeswaystartheight <float> = 0.2
$treeswayradius <float> = 300
$treeswaystartradius <float> = 0.1
$treeswayspeed <float> = 1
$treeswayspeedhighwindmultiplier <float> = 2
$treeswaystrength <float> = 10
$treeswayscrumblespeed <float> = 0.1
$treeswayscrumblestrength <float> = 0.1
$treeswayscrumblefrequency <float> = 0.1
$treeswayfalloffexp <float> = 1.5
$treeswayscrumblefalloffexp <float> = 1.0
$treeswayspeedlerpstart <float> = 3
$treeswayspeedlerpend <float> = 6
$treeswaystatic <bool> = 0
$decaltexture <texture>

Decal texture

$decalblendmode <int> = 0

mode for combining decal texture with base. 0=normal(decalsrca + base(1-srca), 1= mod, 2=mod2x, 3=additive

$envmaplightscale <float> = 0.0

How much the lightmap effects environment map reflection, 0.0 is off, 1.0 will allow complete blackness of the environment map if the lightmap is black

$envmaplightscaleminmax <vec2> = [0.0 1.0]

Thresholds for the lightmap envmap effect. Setting the min higher increases the minimum light amount at which the envmap gets nerfed to nothing.

$blendwithsmokegrenade <bool> = 0
$blendwithsmokegrenadeposentity <vec3> = [0 0 0]
$blendwithsmokegrenadepossmoke <vec3> = [0 0 0]
$modeldecalignorez <bool> = 0
$tintmasktexture <texture>

Separate tint mask texture (as opposed to using basetexture alpha)

$envmapmaskintintmasktexture <bool> = 0

Envmap mask is stored in ting mask texture (instead of normal map alpha)

$vertexcolorpower <float> = 0.0
$gradientmodulation <bool>

Turn on gradient color modulation

$gradientcolorstop0 <vec4> = [1 1 1 0]

First gradient stop and position

$gradientcolorstop1 <vec4> = [1 1 1 0.5]

Second gradient stop and position

$gradientcolorstop2 <vec4> = [1 1 1 1]

Third gradient stop and position

$layereddamageblend <bool> = 0

When enabled, blend mode 4 turns into a special blend mode for layering damage, with the detail texture being the lower strata with no spec or env, and the base texture being the upper strata which casts a drop shadow. The blend is a thresholded value based on the detail alpha, allowing for what looks like chipped off paint or cracks.